I’d thought I would update with some fall color pictures. The fall color seems to vary with the variety/species. The american hazelnuts (native) Corylus americana, have a nice red color. The european hazelnuts, Corylus avellana, have a yellow fall color. For the hybrids, you can see which has more genes from the american or european […]
Author: Kelsey
I’m finally getting around to updating the blog about the field day in October! It was very informative and good to meet all the other people interested in growing hazelnuts! My parents (Dan and Nancy) and I probably came the farthest!The field day was at Norm Erickson’s Hazelnut Valley Farm, where he had quite a […]
Norm Erickson Farm – 1186 W. Lakewood Avenue – Lake City, MNJoin the Minnesota Hazelnut Foundation, Rural Advantage, and University of Minnesota for a Hazelnut Walk-n-Talk field day on Saturday, October 6, 2012, from 10am to 4pm just outside of Lake City, Minnesota at Norm Erickson’s Hazelnut Valley Farm. Hazelnuts are a multi-functional crop that […]
Hazelnut Field Day
My parents attended a field day hosted by the University of Minnesota on propagating hazelnuts on July 26. They were quoted in the following article!US: The rise of Minnesota hazelnutsIt was very interesting to learn how they are propagating hazelnuts. They have been successfully propagating by layering and also soft-wood cuttings (which was previously very […]
Hazelnut harvest underway
The hazelnuts are starting to ripen. Well, what is left of them are ripening anyways. The squirrels have really gone crazy for them this year. We think due to lack of other natural food, such as acorns and ash seeds, the squirrels started going after the hazelnuts even before they were ripe. My dad says […]
Attack of the Flying Squirrels
Well, maybe it was just one flying squirrel. This past week the squirrels have been ravaging the hazelnuts, way before ripening time. They usually start to ripen at the earliest, mid-August. The squirrels have already begun to strip the plants and eat the nuts. Here is the evidence… My dad has started to spray with Hot […]
Welcome to Riverbend Hazelnuts. My name is Kelsey Dunnell. My dad (Dan Johnson) has been growing hazelnuts as a hobby for over 20 years. He started by growing some hazelnut plants found in Roseau, MN figuring those would be hardy enough for our area. Since then he collected hazelnuts from locations all around Minnesota […]
Welcome to the Riverbend Hazelnuts website/blog. I will be updating on our hazelnut research and breeding. More information will come soon. Thanks for checking out the site!